Monday, May 5, 2014

 Getting Together

 Hebrews 10:23-25
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.   And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

WOF conference with my sis
 Friday and Saturday my sister and I attended the Women of Faith® conference, held yearly at Nationwide Arena here in Columbus, OH.  While I listened to words of encouragement, excellent Bible teaching, and inspiring music, my heart was overwhelmed with joy, as I was reminded time and time again of God's love for me.  Together, with thousands of other women, we were spurred on to a life of loving Him.   It was wonderful to remember how loving Him is the key to sharing Him. 
 Sunday, while I was still soaking in all the blessings of the WOF conference, I had the privilege of participating in a benefit art show.  My part was to have a booth set up, and to sing a song in the short program that preceded the exhibit.  On my way to the event, I prayed God would use me for His glory, and that all would go smoothly.  I had no idea of the huge blessing-filled day in store for me.  My "booth neighbors" were lovely.  We shared stories, testimonies, hugs, and plenty of laughter throughout the afternoon.  Countless people stopped by to encourage me.  I was humbled to know that God had used my song to touch hearts or bring a word of hope to someone who needed it.  Throughout the day testimonies were shared between total strangers.  At one point a loving sister and I broke out in song as we held hands and our eyes met:  "Trust and obey-for there's no other way-to be happy in Jesus-but to trust and obey."
My table at the "Choices" benefit
Listening to one another's  faith journeys, encouraging each other with singing, prayers, and scripture allows the Holy Spirit to recharge our hearts.   Today my soul is overflowing with happy memories of a blessing filled weekend.  If you are someone who dislikes traditional church, I want to encourage you to find some way to get together with fellow believers.  Nowadays, churches have small group meetings, breakfasts, picnics, benefits like the one I attended this weekend, and of course conferences such as Women of Faith®, all of which can help you in your walk with God.  You may find yourself shying away from group events such as these because of a past experience that left a bad taste in your mouth.  Still, I believe you need to find a group of like minded Christians with which to fellowship, because when loving brothers and sisters in Christ gather, something amazing happens. 

Check out the links below!  
Outside of the Sunday morning services, Scarlet City Church offers many opportunities to gather throughout the year.  I need to say however, Sunday morning service will not disappoint.  The Bible teaching is wonderful, the music stirring, and the people genuine.
Choices is the charity behind the benefit art exhibit I attended yesterday!  A wonderful organization!
Several years ago my cousin invited me to attend a Women of Faith® conference and I've been going every year since.  I already have my ticket for next year!  Wouldn't miss it!
Takes you to my main website-check out the new featured artist if you haven't yet!

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