Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Work Out Wednesday!

With a benefit show coming up, some interviews in the works for new featured artists, and a few writing projects I'm feeling busy but so very happy and thankful!  All that to say this entry will be brief but as promised, I'm posting a short word of encouragement to all who may be trying to get fit and eat healthier! 

If I could choose something that might encourage any of you out there who are getting on the scales every day, or trying to eat better, or exercising more that you have in the past, it would be  to say don't beat yourself up when you make a mistake and eat something you shouldn't, or skip a workout.  It's a process.  I think changing over completely to a new way of eating -going "cold turkey", if you will, makes the challenge, well, too challenging.  For me, I set reasonable goals.  I knew I could go meatless 4 days last week but also knew I would really miss meat if I cut it out all together.  
2 days of fish and 1 day of either beef or chicken seemed something I could do.  The result is I don't feel like a failure.  Even so, there was a day I was supposed to be "meatless" but was invited by a friend to eat at a restaurant.  None  of the meat free options there seemed appetizing, so I opted for chicken.  I didn't mope or give up because I had veered off the chosen diet path, I just told myself I did the best I could given the situation, and moved on.
Over all, I still feel the week was successful.  I didn't lose any more weight, but I didn't gain either.  I exercised most days and enjoyed some incredible meat free meals!
I am determined!
Here is a link to another fabulous recipe.  Meat free!  My son and I ate this and thought it was absolutely amazing!!!!

1 Corinthians 10:31

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 

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