Wednesday, December 24, 2014

 Christmas is such a cozy time for me.   I'm enjoying having a little extra time to talk to friends and family, getting out in the crazy Christmas shopping rush, and watching some of our favorite Christmas shows while we bake cookies.  I've had some wonderful conversations with my boys the last few days, about Christmas and why we celebrate.  We've observed people around us "stressing out" over festivities, party preparations, and gift giving.  Our desire is to make sure we don't join in on that part of the season, but that we relax and appreciate what we have.  This year, my heart is filled with gratitude toward a Savior who gives my life substance beyond measure.   That is what I wish for everyone this Christmas.

 2 Corinthians 9:15
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Because He came.
Because He lived, died, and rose again. 
Because He forgives completely.
Because He loves us intensely.
Because He longs for us to love Him. 
Because He promises never to leave us.
Because He gives us this incredible life.
©2014Janet Carol Davis

Click on the link below for a couple Christmas songs and a Merry Christmas wish from me!

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Psalm 37:3,4
Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

The last few months of my life, I've experienced some wonderful surprises.  I've entered the public speaking arena again and as nervous as I was to get started, the big surprise is that I absolutely love it!  There have been lots of smaller "surprises" too, like being able to start an Etsy shop, and having the privilege of being able to make bracelets to raise funds for a family who needs help with medical expenses.  Perhaps the biggest surprise for me is that I was never- I mean never- going back to school.  But as of January 5th, 2015, I will be a full time student!  God is amazing, and I am learning He can be full of surprises!

All these surprises started as ideas that stemmed from desires within my heart.  Looking back, it seems it is God that gave me those desires, and helped me pursue them.  I wonder how many surprises I've missed out on because fear kept me from following through with a desire or dream.  The tendency for humans, I believe, is to play it safe. We tell ourselves "It just doesn't seem feasible".  But God doesn't intend for us to stay in our safe little circles.  He desires for us to live abundantly, and I am learning that means trying new things and taking risks.

The faint desire you have to attempt something new, to look into a different career, or try your hand at some unfamiliar art form may actually be a calling from your Heavenly Father to be the person He created you to be.  He desires for us to have a life that is overflowing with joy, peace, and satisfaction. Consider then, the desire may be from God.  Let that desire fuel your willingness to work on your dreams.  Pray about it, commit it to God, and let Him help you find your way.  You may be surprised at what He has in store for you.

©2014 Janet Davis

Monday, August 25, 2014

Gone Fishin’

When my friend recently suggested we go fishing, I jumped at the opportunity.  With our first experience, we didn’t catch many, but it felt good to cast my line.  Being near the water and hearing it lap up on the rocks was refreshing.  The next few attempts were more successful:  crappie, catfish, bluegill, perch, and a bass here and there!  To add to the satisfaction of the sport, I decided to learn how to fillet pan fish.  As a result we have enjoyed several tasty meals of crappie and blue gill!
What my friend and I didn’t realize, however, was I would become slightly obsessed with the pastime.   It’s true- I’m “hooked” on fishing.  (Pun intended!) My car automatically turns in at a reservoir or lake, just to see if there are any good fishing spots.  My pole, and most probably some wax worms, are always in my back seat, along with my tackle box. When I cross a bridge I think about all the crappie and bluegill hanging out in the sheltered water below.  Even the search history on my computer will reveal video after video about reels, cleaning fish, best bait to use, etc.

So I asked myself today, while fishing and catching some nice fat bluegill, “Why do I like this so much?”
The answer was multifaceted.  Fishing takes me back to a safe, happy time in my life: Memories of summertime weekends spent with my cousins at my grandparent's lake cottage, waking in the morning there to sounds of the water outside my window and the smell of Grandma’s cooking all come to mind in a swirl of joy that stirs me in a way I can’t sufficiently describe.  I only know it is wonderful.
Somehow recalling the security of my childhood gives me a sense of being anchored, so when I fish, I am often overwhelmed with gratitude. 
An abundance of blue gill at Griggs Reservoir!
The quietness of fishing gives me a chance to express that gratitude to God.  We have a lot of talks, God and I, while I’m fishing.  The beauty of the water, the company of the ducks passing by, and the sound-the beautiful sweet sound of water against the shore all whisper God’s presence to me. 
Fishing gives me a reprieve from the many unknowns in my present life.  “Not knowing” is not scary for me, mind you.  He has shown me time and time again in my life that I can trust Him.  However, getting away from my work, really away, beside a quiet stream or along side a lake allows me to maintain that assurance by taking time to breath deeply and focus on Him. 
I'm grateful my friend re-introduced me to fishing.  It's a vacation I can take any day I want, even if just for a few hours.  No fancy hotel, no big screen TV, no room service- just me, my God, a quiet spot by the water, and my fishin' pole.  Perfection!                                   ©2014jcd
 Psalm 23: 2-3a  
"He makes me to lie down in green pastures;  He leads me beside the still waters.  He restores my soul.

One of the many beautiful views at Griggs Reservoir

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Friday, August 15, 2014

Home Made Herbicide

It was bound to happen, since I haven’t used commercial weed killers in my back yard for several years.  I’ve never minded clover and the occasional dandelion, but during the past two weeks, my back yard has been taken over with a plethora of uninvited plants: thistles, quack grass, spurge, chickweed, etc.  It seems the weeds have spread the word that my back yard is the place to come and thrive, safe and non-threatened.
One of the offending thistles.
Honestly, if I were in the country, I wouldn’t mind most of these more aggressive plants. With the appearance of thistles by the pool steps, however, (ouch!) and the re-emergence of a most unwelcome poison ivy vine next to my kitchen window, I decided to search for a remedy that would end the silent takeover that has been slowly spreading throughout the summer.
A friend of mine gave me a safe and simple weed-killing
 recipe to try on my worst offenders.
Two days ago I mixed the inexpensive ingredients together and walked around my entire back yard, spraying the solution on thistles, crab grass, dandelions, and the poison ivy vine.  It was nice to know that what I was applying wasn’t toxic to wildlife, though I noted that my back yard smelled like a salad for about a day.
One day later, every plant I sprayed was showing signs of dying. 
2 days after with the homemade herbicide

Two days after application, (today)
 they look even worse and the thistles,
which I have been fighting all summer, look
completely dead.  Even the poison ivy is shriveled up!
 I am curious to see if re-growth occurs but so far I am really
 happy with the results, so thought I would share the recipe  
 with my readers!
 Here it is!

 Home made, safe weed killer.

1 gallon vinegar
2 cups salt (I used Epsom’s)
¼ cup liquid soap  (I used dishwashing liquid)

Mix it all together, put it in a sprayer, and apply to any unwanted plants-over leaves and down at the root.
Spray directly on the soil where you want no growth.  For me this was the area around my pool, and the sitting area in my back garden.

Hope it works as well for you as it did for me!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Today after breakfast, an impromptu road trip with a friend of mine led me to a peaceful old cemetery by the road.  It was beautiful there.  We walked through the rows of old tombstones, some of which were so weather worn they were no longer legible.  Many of the ones we could read dated back to the early 1800's.

There was, at the front of the cemetery,
a row of cedar trees.
A twig laden with the beautiful
evergreen leaves hung down low,
and I pinched it to breath in
the heavy cedar scent.
It was lovely.
Catharine's tombstone behind the cedar tree
Hiding behind one of the massive cedar trees was a tombstone that held some significance for me.
A passerby might not even see it because the tree trunk hid it almost completely, but I knew it was somewhere there, among the cedars.
Then I found it.
It was the tombstone of my great, great, great, great grandmother,  Catharine Richardson.  Apparently the large cedar, which grew in front of her grave, had protected her stone from the weathering others nearby had suffered.  The inscription was still easy to read, and there were even traces of a pretty fern like engraving that wrapped around the words.

Something about seeing the gravesite in person stirred my heart and caused my voice to quiver unexpectedly when I called out to my friend to say, "Here it is!"
The marker stood alone, and told only of her name, her husband, the date of her death, and that she was 47 years of age when she died.  My mind swirled with questions:  What was life like for her?  What hardships did she endure? What were her fears?  Did she ever laugh?  Did her eyes twinkle?  Had a family resemblance been passed down through the generations?   What horrible thing had taken her at only 47 years old?
Sitting by her grave, I sorted through a rush of thoughts.  
My life, my wonderful childhood, my present day family,
all the joys brought to me by my own children, would not have happened if not for Catharine!

Close-up of the fern-like engraving on the tombstone.

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I wished I could thank her and tell her how much I appreciated her part in my family history.  Instead, more than 170 years after her death, overwhelming gratitude compelled me to keep company for a while with her silent tribute there-behind the cedar tree.
It was the least I could do.

©2014janet carol davis

Monday, July 21, 2014

Some Days....

 Most days I wake up with so much on my mind I hit the floor running and don’t stop till my head hits the pillow that night.   I love this crazy busy life full of new adventures, running a business, creating new artwork every day, and meeting incredible people.  Squeeze in the laundry, sweeping, bill writing, and all the mundane house chores-throw in an    urgent visit to the vet when the dog swallows something she shouldn’t, and an impromptu phone call from a good friend and my day is filled from top to bottom.  I’m not complaining.  In fact I wouldn’t have it any other way!  At the end of these busy days I usually feel productive and I like that.
Every once in a while, however, I feel misdirected.  It’s like I’m lost.  I can see the responsibilities I need to conquer right in front of me yet I sense an inability to move forward.  Those days I long to sense God’s presence, and I know it’s because I’ve been so busy with all the “stuff” I have to do, that I’ve neglected to stop and listen to my Heavenly Father’s kind voice of direction and reassurance.
Only when I make time to remember who He is, and who I am in Him, does my life come back into focus. When I go to Him, He reminds me how much He loves me.  His word gives me guidance and strength, and I can face the day refreshed.  He welcomes me into His presence and encourages me in all my endeavors.  He draws me close to Him and reassures me that I am His and He wants what is best for me.  Time with my wonderful Lord and Savior: loving Him, worshiping Him, listening. That’s what I desire and need daily.  That’s what He desires of me.             ©2014Janet Carol Davis 

Psalm 23:1-3
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Comfort From Isaiah

   Today my mind is preoccupied with thoughts of a friend who is grieving the loss of her husband who died just a few days ago.  While her heart is grieving and broken, while her family and friends gather around her over these next several days, her world has temporarily come to a stand still.  Over the last year I've known several who have lost someone dear to them, and a childhood friend of my own died suddenly.  Though as a Christian I certainly take comfort in believing that I will see these people again, no matter what we believe, having to say goodbye to someone we love while we are left here to continue on is never easy.  For me, comfort comes not only in believing that those who love Jesus will live on in His presence after their physical departure from this earth, but also in knowing that I am not alone here.  God promises He will be with us always.  He is with us in our heartache.  In our darkest hours, when grief is fresh-when the newness of a loss is still warm- He is there to hold us and give us hope and strength to move on in this life.  In hopes of bringing the smallest bit of comfort to those of you who are aching, I'm sharing the link below which leads to a song with words from Isaiah that give me great peace when my heart is hurting.                        

Friday, June 27, 2014

Jeremiah 18:1-4  (NIV)  

This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord:   “Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.”  So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. 

 The idea of God being able to reshape a "marred" lump of clay into something else-something still functional- gives me great encouragement.  Circumstances that seem hopeless to the human eye can be transformed by our Heavenly Father into unexpected blessing.  It's not that He always takes away our pain, but that He uses it somehow to mold us into who He wants us to be.   Our own choices and the choices of those around us can make us feel damaged beyond repair.  Because we are human and He is God, we can never really understand how God's sovereignty and our free will work together, but I do know this:  He can take any situation, no matter how bleak, and turn it into something beautiful.                                                           ©2014Janet Carol Davis                                                                    

Vessel on the wheel
As the potter molds the clay,
With His gentle hands.

Lovingly He shapes,
Using life to smooth the sides,
With sharp tools He bands.

Grooves form in the rim-
My designer works in ways
I don't understand.

But my maker knows
How, with these embellishments,
He fulfills His plans.

 ©2011Janet Carol Davis

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Door And The Ivy

 In front of the old house, yellow flowers, perfectly placed flowerpots, and big leafy plants adorned the yard.  As beautiful as the garden area was, it seemed to direct one's gaze toward the friendly porch, complete with swing and rocking chairs.  The passerby could surely hear the home beckon loudly to them,  "Come on in!
You're invited!"
But just around the corner, a side door, with some lovely green ivy growing up beside it made me stop.  The door and the ivy seemed to be good friends.  Their message was quieter than that of the porch. 
"Come look at my beauty", the ivy whispered.  "See how I reach for the roof?  I've been here a while, next to this door."  The richness of the green and the way the leaves snuggled up to the door as if the ivy were holding on to a dear companion, made me smile.  The door spoke next.  "It's quiet here, on the side of the house, but I never feel alone.   We've been together now for quite some time, the ivy and I.  Without her, I would just be a plain white door, but with her, I have color."  The ivy responded,  "And out front I would blend in with all the other greenery, but here, next to the door, I am seen.  Together, we can be enjoyed by any who will walk this way."  It was clear that each made the other happy, and they were grateful for one another, which is of course, as it should be in any friendship.  I was thankful too, being one who was privileged to enjoy their presence.  The front of a house can be beautiful indeed, as can a framed masterpiece, or a well-groomed garden.  But beauty is also found in unexpected places:  Down a rocky path, in words that flow from a broken heart, or sometimes in the simplicity of green ivy and a plain white door.
 ©2014Janet Davis Carroll

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Friday, May 30, 2014

 Song of Solomon 2: 12
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
Lessons From My Garden

Weeding, turning the soil, fertilizing, pruning, and even mowing the lawn are all tasks I absolutely love.  Give me a lawn mower over a sweeper any day!  Being outside makes me happy!  As I work in the fresh air I often think of different Bible lessons I've learned over the years that have to do with gardening.  The parable of the sower comes to mind when I am pulling thistles.   While training my flowering vines to travel up the trellis, I’m reminded of the wonderful passage in John, about the vine and the branches.  Sometimes gardening makes me remember old hymns.  Last week working in the deep mud and wearing my rubber boots, my right leg sunk down into the mud up to my shin, and I started singing "He lifted me from the miry clay".    All these thoughts swarm around my head while I am working outside.  Some of my favorite lessons from the garden, however, are those I hear when I stop working every once in a while, and just enjoy it.
The past two weeks have been riddled with stress as a result of knowing someone dear to me has been quite ill.  Thankfully my loved one is safe at home as I write this, but after one particularly tense day spent with her at the hospital while they "ruled out" different health issues, I came home in the evening, too tired emotionally and physically to do any yard work. Walking to my favorite garden at the back of my yard I sat on the old beat up bench that I love.  Sighing, my gaze was drawn to my left, where the intense color of an iris greeted me with a smile only a flower can give.  It seemed so beautiful there, in the quiet.  How kind and comforting for God to give me that moment, that beauty.  Tears of relief came softly and I sat there for quite some time, admiring the flowers and breathing in the warm evening air.  That evening, God reminded me of His constant presence, grace and love, and He did it there in the garden, with a flower.               ©2014jcd

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Matthew 22:34-38
Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?
 Jesus replied: ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”  This is the first and greatest commandment.

Love God

In preparing for some future speaking engagements, the heart of my message always comes back to this: Love God.  I know what many of you are thinking.  “Come on- that lesson’s already been done, sister.  I’ve heard it all my life.  Seriously? You are going to write about loving God?”  Yes.  I am most serious about it.  Because more and more I understand that loving God: actively seeking Him, spending time with Him, talking to Him and listening to Him, is what He desires most from me- from all of us. 
It’s important to Him.  Jesus said so!
When I mention to people in conversation that I believe the most important task for us as Christians is to love God, I get one of three responses.  The first is that though loving God is important, staying in His will is what we must do.  The second is that we must surrender our lives to Him.  The third is that if we are really followers of Christ, we must serve Him.  My answer to all these responses is to repeat my first point, which is to love God.  Loving God is the prerequisite to all those other “important” items.  We can’t possibly expect to know His will, surrender our lives to Him or serve Him, without actively loving Him. 
Conversely, I am learning that when I love Him- that is to say, when I spend time with Him, reading His word, worshiping, sharing my heart with Him, getting to know Him, then I can trust Him to guide me in the “paths of righteousness”, (Psalm 23:3) or put another way, His will.   In loving Him, surrendering to Him becomes easy, because I understand He has wonderful plans for me.  Why would I not want to trust Him with my life?  Finally, serving Him becomes an every day reality.  When I am close to Him, He is able to work through me in ways I never imagined, and I understand it is not me- but Him doing the work. 
It is easy for us to get wrapped up in all the “things” we, as Christians, need to do.  I hear it all the time:  “I know I should be doing more for God.” Or “I’m ashamed at how little I have done for Him.”  Fellow followers of Christ, God’s love for you is great.  He longs to hear from you, to speak to you through His word and the Holy Spirit, and to give you guidance.  He desires for you to have joy and to be the person He created you to be.  If you really desire to do His will, trust Him with your life, and serve Him, then go to Him.  Spend time with Him, read the word, get to know Him, listen for His voice.  In short: Love Him.  He will take care of the rest.    ©2014JanetCarolDavis

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Proverbs 25:16
"When you find honey, remember to eat only what you need,
because if you eat in excess, you may be sick and lose all of it."  

Workout Wednesday
Who knew there were so many verses in the Bible about our eating habits and fitness?  I’ve really
On this week's menu: scallop shish kabobs
enjoyed finding passages related to our health!  God created us in a way that dictates a responsibility to take care of our bodies.  Turns out the old saying “you are what you eat” is true! 
Lately, with my new diet plan, I’ve noticed my desire to “shovel” has decreased.  Are you familiar with shoveling?  In the past when life has been super busy, I have found myself not stopping to eat, but opting to work through meal-time.  The result is hunger pangs that lead to a meal made and eaten hastily.  In other words, I become so hungry I shovel in the food and before I know it I’ve eaten more than I needed. The result is a “too full” feeling, along with regrets of the over abundance of calories I’ve consumed.  Now though, I’m thinking more about my meals.  If the day keeps me so busy I don’t want to take the time to sit down to a lunch, there are plenty of berries, healthy cheeses, flour less bread and almond butter on hand for a quick snack that keeps me going throughout the day.  When suppertime comes I make the preparation enjoyable.  I love cooking and have decided to look at it as a hobby rather than a task or chore.  When I finally do sit down, I eat more slowly, savoring every bite rather than shoveling, and paying attention to the flavors and textures.  The end result seems to be that I need less food.  Apparently eating more slowly gives my brain more time to register that my stomach has had enough.  I’m no scientist but a quick search on the Internet will come up with several articles saying there is a reason for this.  In layman’s terms, it takes up to 20 minutes for the brain to receive the signal that your stomach has had enough.  (Like I said- layman’s terms)  All I know is that when I slow down while I’m eating, I seem to be satisfied with less volume of food than if I eat quickly.  The other benefits are the luxury of enjoying –actually tasting – the food, not feeling so full after the meal that I am uncomfortable, and of course losing weight!  

If you are a "shoveler", try slowing down- at least for one meal a day and see what it does for you. 
Enjoy the flavors and textures of the food you or someone else has prepared.  Taking a few extra minutes for some much needed "down time" will leave you feeling refreshed and nourished and better able to tackle the tasks that life has for you.                                                        ©2014 JCD

 With my rekindled love of cooking, I also have a renewed thankfulness for food in general.  While I am trying to eat less,  I know every day there are families who are wondering if they will have enough to eat just to survive.  Below is a link to a local food pantry to which I was introduced at a recent outdoor market.   They have a great website and it’s easy to get involved.

My progress:  I have lost 3 lbs now!
Still walking or working out 6 days a week.
My clothes feel less tight and I have an overall feeling of healthiness that I had started to lose! 

Okay, I know "meatless sloppy joes" may sound really bad- almost sac-religious to many of you- but my son and I tried this last night and it was awesome!

I read several recipes, and finally made this one up.  SUPER easy!

2 cans Progresso® vegan lentil soup, drained. (there's not much liquid in it)
one small can tomato paste (we like Trader Joe's brand)
ketchup and mustard to taste(we use about 1 1/2 tsp mustard, 1/4 C ketchup)
1/4 cup maple syrup
salt and pepper to taste
 (Actually:  however you make sloppy joes, use that- but with the lentil soup instead of ground beef)

Mix well and cook it all together in a skillet until it's heated through-  simmer for about 5 minutes, serve!  My son ate his on a bun just like a regular sloppy joe.  I ate mine plain with tortilla chips.
SO good!  Enjoy!

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

1 Corinthians 3:16 

Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?

 Workout Wednesday's post..... late....
 Sorry!  I didn't have internet service available on Wed so I'm posting this on Thursday!

Why I Choose Organic (mostly)
Organic tomatoes from my 2013 garden

Today I want discuss organic vs. non-organic food choices. I choose organically grown produce and hormone free, organic meat whenever possible.  Yes it tends to be a bit more expensive but I’ve learned to watch for specials.  Most local food markets have organic products now, and so the prices seem to be more competitive these days.  Also, it seems to be the general consensus around my home that organic produce tastes better.  I haven’t decided why that is yet, but nothing beats the sweetness of the organic berries I get – and my fruit salad is always the topic of conversation at gatherings because the cantaloupe and honeydew are “so sweet!”  The only reason I can give to my happy fruit salad consumers is that I buy organic.  When I pass it by and purchase conventional, disappointment is inevitable.
So, what’s the big deal about organic?  Haven’t we been eating non-organic meats and produce for years?  Some say the jury is still out on whether or not pesticide and other chemical residue on and in the foods we eat has an effect on our health.  Though this is something I’ve researched extensively, and believe there is good evidence in favor of eating organic whenever possible, common sense dictates, too,  that choosing organic is best.  If I am able to choose between an apple ridden with chemicals, and an apple that is not, wouldn’t I want the latter?   Why would I choose exposure to something that could be harmful to my health, if I don’t have to?  So here, in our household, I choose organically grown produce when I can, and when we serve meat I make sure the label says it is hormone free and antibiotic free. 
Remember, I am not a fanatic.  I still eat the stadium hot dog now and then, or the popcorn at a movie theater.  My intent is not to ban these occasional treats, but most days my diet consists of whole grains, organic produce, and organic meats and cheeses. 

Below is a meatless recipe that I’ve had for years.  It’s an easy quiche and is good either with or without a crust.

Janet’s quiche
 6 eggs whisked together with ½ cup milk
 1 C any  shredded cheese (we like co-jack or cheddar)
 1 & ½  C  total-any 2 sautéed veggies-
(I sauté them first, then let them cool while I get my egg mixture ready.
some of our choices:  -Spinach and mushroom-
                                   -Thinly sliced bell peppers, mushrooms and  sliced tomatoes
                                   - Broccoli
(whatever veggies you want!)
Put the eggs and milk in a big bowl, add the cheese and cooled veggies and pour into unbaked pie crust or a greased casserole dish with no crust:  bake at 350 degrees F for 45 min to1 hour.

SO good!  And because you can change the veggies it’s like a different dish every time!

Also, for the workout portion of my life, I am training for a 5K now!  So excited!  It helps me to have a goal!  Feel free to share what your workout goals are in the comment section! 

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Monday, May 5, 2014

 Getting Together

 Hebrews 10:23-25
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.   And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

WOF conference with my sis
 Friday and Saturday my sister and I attended the Women of Faith® conference, held yearly at Nationwide Arena here in Columbus, OH.  While I listened to words of encouragement, excellent Bible teaching, and inspiring music, my heart was overwhelmed with joy, as I was reminded time and time again of God's love for me.  Together, with thousands of other women, we were spurred on to a life of loving Him.   It was wonderful to remember how loving Him is the key to sharing Him. 
 Sunday, while I was still soaking in all the blessings of the WOF conference, I had the privilege of participating in a benefit art show.  My part was to have a booth set up, and to sing a song in the short program that preceded the exhibit.  On my way to the event, I prayed God would use me for His glory, and that all would go smoothly.  I had no idea of the huge blessing-filled day in store for me.  My "booth neighbors" were lovely.  We shared stories, testimonies, hugs, and plenty of laughter throughout the afternoon.  Countless people stopped by to encourage me.  I was humbled to know that God had used my song to touch hearts or bring a word of hope to someone who needed it.  Throughout the day testimonies were shared between total strangers.  At one point a loving sister and I broke out in song as we held hands and our eyes met:  "Trust and obey-for there's no other way-to be happy in Jesus-but to trust and obey."
My table at the "Choices" benefit
Listening to one another's  faith journeys, encouraging each other with singing, prayers, and scripture allows the Holy Spirit to recharge our hearts.   Today my soul is overflowing with happy memories of a blessing filled weekend.  If you are someone who dislikes traditional church, I want to encourage you to find some way to get together with fellow believers.  Nowadays, churches have small group meetings, breakfasts, picnics, benefits like the one I attended this weekend, and of course conferences such as Women of Faith®, all of which can help you in your walk with God.  You may find yourself shying away from group events such as these because of a past experience that left a bad taste in your mouth.  Still, I believe you need to find a group of like minded Christians with which to fellowship, because when loving brothers and sisters in Christ gather, something amazing happens. 

Check out the links below!  
Outside of the Sunday morning services, Scarlet City Church offers many opportunities to gather throughout the year.  I need to say however, Sunday morning service will not disappoint.  The Bible teaching is wonderful, the music stirring, and the people genuine.
Choices is the charity behind the benefit art exhibit I attended yesterday!  A wonderful organization!
Several years ago my cousin invited me to attend a Women of Faith® conference and I've been going every year since.  I already have my ticket for next year!  Wouldn't miss it!
Takes you to my main website-check out the new featured artist if you haven't yet!