It had been several days since starting my post- Christmas "diet" to lose the 4 lbs I had so easily gained over the holidays. At first it had been a struggle to get back into the habit of eating healthy. It seemed I could be happy eating Christmas cookies for breakfast, mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch, and generous helpings of both for supper. It takes me a few days to become accustomed to liking the healthier choices again: salads, lean proteins, fruits. So I was pleased when I picked up the strawberries last night, not because I had to eat them for a snack, but because I wanted to. That's right- my mindset, after 3 days of strict discipline, had made the transition so that once again, I desired to eat what was actually healthy. The big red strawberries and blackberries that sat washed and ready in the bowl were what called to me first when my stomach growled for a late night snack! I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into them!
Several years ago, there was a transition that occurred in my spiritual appetite, as well. I had fallen out of the habit of reading God's word daily. Those years when I was not in the habit of reading the Bible, it seemed a chore to do so. I had to work to make myself sit down and read it, throwing aside the busy hectic tasks -the mashed potatoes and Christmas cookies of life-that called me away from time with my Lord. Since then, however, I've developed the habit of reading the Bible every day again. What I've found is it is no longer a chore for me. My spiritual appetite craves what is good: time spent in God's word, reading, listening, praying. When faced with a day full of life's busy hectic to do lists, the Spirit is what calls to me first. I find I can't wait to open my Bible and sink my teeth into it! Time spent with my Lord is refreshing and nourishing to my soul. If you aren't in the habit of reading God's word, I want to encourage you to put yourself on a spiritual diet. Determine to set aside a time each day to open God's word and read it. Talk to your Heavenly Father who loves you intensely. Ask Him to speak to you through His Word. It will take discipline the first few days, but I promise you that once you get a taste of spending time alone with Him, you will want to go to Him more often. Soon it will not seem like a task but rather something you desire. ©2014Janet Davis
Psalm 34:8
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."
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Thursday, January 30, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
A New Conversation
Hebrews 4:12a
“For the Word of God is alive and active.”
It amazes me when a familiar group of verses I have read countless times, and maybe even memorized at one time in my life, all of the sudden ministers to me in a fresh new way. I guess it makes sense, because the Bible is God’s word to us. It is how He speaks to us. When we go to Him and seek His guidance, we find He has something to say. Comfort, wisdom, hope, forgiveness, and assurance can all be found in God’s Word. The days I remember to spend time with my Lord and Savior, reading His word, listening, praying, opening my heart to Him, and allowing Him to minister to me, I find it’s much easier to deal with life and all its crazy turns. Time with God helps me keep things in perspective.
If I could encourage you to do one thing today, it would be to pick up your Bible, ask the Lord to give you understanding, and spend time reading scripture. The Bible is much more than a story. It is God’s Word, and every time we look within it’s pages, He begins a new conversation with us.
©2011 Janet Carol Davis
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Keepsakes Of The Heart
Most of my decorations are down from the holidays. One tree, however, I'm keeping up for now.
It's in my bedroom, with blue and green lights, and lots of glittery ornaments. I love that tree because it reminds me of the abstract gifts in this life that continue past the winter holiday celebrations. The ivory tree skirt, which was once the cover for a daybed in my grandmother's home, reminds me of my childhood, and visits with my grandparents where I spent many hours exploring the nooks and crannies of the old 1920's house where they lived. The lights on the tree take me back as well, to so many happy memories of Christmases spent with family and friends. My mom always made tree decorating a fun event. My favorite part was when it was all finished, and we could stand back and look at it with its ornaments and tinsel. I especially loved turning off all the other lights in the room, and observing the ethereal glow of the tree lights against the reflectors. These memories, these abstract keepsakes of joy and love from my childhood are somehow woven into this beautiful gift from God I call life! Christmas for me, now more than ever, is a celebration of that gift. God's love for us is intense. He longs for us to experience a life that is full of blessing! Through Jesus, He freely offers us freedom, peace, complete forgiveness, security, and hope in a world where these gifts are otherwise difficult to find. Christmas, then, is not ever really over. My tree, with all its sparkles and lights, reminds me of that. I think I'll leave it up for a while.
John 10:9,10
I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
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Most of my decorations are down from the holidays. One tree, however, I'm keeping up for now.
It's in my bedroom, with blue and green lights, and lots of glittery ornaments. I love that tree because it reminds me of the abstract gifts in this life that continue past the winter holiday celebrations. The ivory tree skirt, which was once the cover for a daybed in my grandmother's home, reminds me of my childhood, and visits with my grandparents where I spent many hours exploring the nooks and crannies of the old 1920's house where they lived. The lights on the tree take me back as well, to so many happy memories of Christmases spent with family and friends. My mom always made tree decorating a fun event. My favorite part was when it was all finished, and we could stand back and look at it with its ornaments and tinsel. I especially loved turning off all the other lights in the room, and observing the ethereal glow of the tree lights against the reflectors. These memories, these abstract keepsakes of joy and love from my childhood are somehow woven into this beautiful gift from God I call life! Christmas for me, now more than ever, is a celebration of that gift. God's love for us is intense. He longs for us to experience a life that is full of blessing! Through Jesus, He freely offers us freedom, peace, complete forgiveness, security, and hope in a world where these gifts are otherwise difficult to find. Christmas, then, is not ever really over. My tree, with all its sparkles and lights, reminds me of that. I think I'll leave it up for a while.
I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
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Sunday, January 5, 2014
January 5th, Twelfth Night!
As the 12 days of Christmas come to an end, I've asked friends and family to reflect on 2013, as well as share what they look forward to in 2014. Below are some of the responses I received.
Looking back at 2013 I'm thankful that I am still able to have my parents in my life and to be
sharing my life with them. I am thankful for a kind
and supporting husband who stands beside me
through my trials & tribulations. I am thankful he is a sweet person and a constant companion. I am also
thankful for awesome in-laws — they have become
my second parents and I am so fortunate to have them in my life. In 2014 I'm looking forward to taking control of my work situation, selling our houses, eating healthy and getting more exercise.
Lyndsey-Columbus, OH
I'm thankful for being recruited to play lacrosse at my dream school, and most of all the support I have received from God, my family, and friends in 2013!
I am most looking forward to graduating from high-school, and starting a new chapter in life in 2014!
Olivia- Sylvania, OH
I'm thankful for God's faithfulness and provision in 2013. I'm looking forward to an even closer relationship with Him in 2014.
Sandy- Arlington, TX
Looking back at 2013 I'm thankful for countless blessings of health and happiness, a chance to travel and a wonderful family.
In 2014 I'm looking forward to my last child graduating high school and taking her backpacking on the Appalachian Trail. Also, the milestone of being married 30 years. Anonymous
As the 12 days of Christmas come to an end, I've asked friends and family to reflect on 2013, as well as share what they look forward to in 2014. Below are some of the responses I received.
Looking back at 2013 I'm thankful that I am still able to have my parents in my life and to be
sharing my life with them. I am thankful for a kind
and supporting husband who stands beside me
through my trials & tribulations. I am thankful he is a sweet person and a constant companion. I am also
thankful for awesome in-laws — they have become
my second parents and I am so fortunate to have them in my life. In 2014 I'm looking forward to taking control of my work situation, selling our houses, eating healthy and getting more exercise.
Lyndsey-Columbus, OH
I'm thankful for being recruited to play lacrosse at my dream school, and most of all the support I have received from God, my family, and friends in 2013!
I am most looking forward to graduating from high-school, and starting a new chapter in life in 2014!
Olivia- Sylvania, OH
I'm thankful for God's faithfulness and provision in 2013. I'm looking forward to an even closer relationship with Him in 2014.
Sandy- Arlington, TX
Looking back at 2013 I'm thankful for countless blessings of health and happiness, a chance to travel and a wonderful family.
In 2014 I'm looking forward to my last child graduating high school and taking her backpacking on the Appalachian Trail. Also, the milestone of being married 30 years. Anonymous
Looking back at the year 2013, I am thankful that
God graciously took my father home without a great deal of emotional or physical suffering.
I am thankful, that in spite of my job loss in
December, I can sometimes be (I know it should
be "always", but each day is a battle) confident
and excited about the doors He may open for me
in a new career. I am thankful for the love of a wife
who has faithfully stayed by my side for over 30
years and encouraged me through many difficult
days and that I love her more now than even a year
ago. In 2014, I will continue to pray and hope
(hopefully, most of the time in that order!) for my
son's return to God, the continued spiritual growth
of my daughter, a new career and possible relocation, as well as another year of experiencing the joy of my marriage. God is faithful in all things and His promises for peace, joy, contentment, etc. endure forever and will be fully realized when we are united with Him in eternity.
David- Carrollton, Texas
Looking back in 2013, I am thankful for changes that seemed difficult but helped me to see what was most important and opened up new pathways that I hope will lead to better views for everyone. In 2014 I look forward to more days with Skyla who is achieving so much and bringing such joy to us in exploring her musical interests. I look forward to establishing a more grown-up relationship with my oldest daughter who has left the nest, has a full-time job and a new place of her own. I look forward to time with friends old and new.
Patti- Columbus, OH
Looking back at 2013. I am thankful for an awesome last semester of my senior year of high school. In 2014 I look forward to applying for my first summer job, continuing in my education, and
becoming more involved in the church I attend. anonymous
Looking back at 2013 I'm thankful for my husband, Tim, the love of my life who's stood behind me for years. In 2014 I'm looking forward to spending more time with my daughters. Julie, Columbus, OH
I have much to be thankful for including my
husband, children, grandchildren, home, health, job, family, friends,
wonderful home Bible study group. My most important, of course, is
Jesus. Very thankful for my salvation and am always humbled by God's
grace and mercy. I'm also thankful for our country and the current
freedoms we enjoy although I feel like things are changing. God is good
no matter what.
Vicki, Delaware, Ohio.
Looking back at 2013 I'm thankful for an increasing awareness of God's constant presence, the graduation of both my sons (one college, one high school), my incredible friends and family, and the launching of my website/business. What an adventure filled year! In 2014 I'm looking forward to memorizing more scripture, working out more, and getting some songs recorded! Janet-(That's me!)
Be sure to visit my Christmas page If you haven't already! Click the link!
God graciously took my father home without a great deal of emotional or physical suffering.
I am thankful, that in spite of my job loss in
December, I can sometimes be (I know it should
be "always", but each day is a battle) confident
and excited about the doors He may open for me
in a new career. I am thankful for the love of a wife
who has faithfully stayed by my side for over 30
years and encouraged me through many difficult
days and that I love her more now than even a year
ago. In 2014, I will continue to pray and hope
(hopefully, most of the time in that order!) for my
son's return to God, the continued spiritual growth
of my daughter, a new career and possible relocation, as well as another year of experiencing the joy of my marriage. God is faithful in all things and His promises for peace, joy, contentment, etc. endure forever and will be fully realized when we are united with Him in eternity.
David- Carrollton, Texas
Looking back in 2013, I am thankful for changes that seemed difficult but helped me to see what was most important and opened up new pathways that I hope will lead to better views for everyone. In 2014 I look forward to more days with Skyla who is achieving so much and bringing such joy to us in exploring her musical interests. I look forward to establishing a more grown-up relationship with my oldest daughter who has left the nest, has a full-time job and a new place of her own. I look forward to time with friends old and new.
Patti- Columbus, OH
Looking back at 2013. I am thankful for an awesome last semester of my senior year of high school. In 2014 I look forward to applying for my first summer job, continuing in my education, and
becoming more involved in the church I attend. anonymous
Looking back at 2013 I'm thankful for my husband, Tim, the love of my life who's stood behind me for years. In 2014 I'm looking forward to spending more time with my daughters. Julie, Columbus, OH
Vicki, Delaware, Ohio.
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Happy New Year!Thanks to everyone for your responses! |
Looking back at 2013 I'm thankful for an increasing awareness of God's constant presence, the graduation of both my sons (one college, one high school), my incredible friends and family, and the launching of my website/business. What an adventure filled year! In 2014 I'm looking forward to memorizing more scripture, working out more, and getting some songs recorded! Janet-(That's me!)
Be sure to visit my Christmas page If you haven't already! Click the link!
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